Case Acquaint is a podcast which features open and unresolved cases related to violent crime and missing persons. Here, we distribute information in an effort to encourage public engagement. We tell the victim’s story, the events that precipitated the unresolved case, and the current known facts.

Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Episode 37 The Murder of Evelyn Scott
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Episode 37
The Murder of
Evelyn Scott
Plus lots of updates.
Most who knew Evelyn Scott described her as a kind, vivacious socialite, but Evelyn's husband saw only one redeeming quality: her money.
Listen to the tale of this legendary case which helped establish important precedent.
pple Podcasts in the itunes store:
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Music: Modum & Curtains Always Drawn by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli & Scope

Saturday Sep 01, 2018
The Disappearance of Cassandra Gross
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Saturday Sep 01, 2018
Episode 36
The Disappearance
Cassandra Gross
Cassandra Gross was just about to turn 52 years old. She had a supportive family, a dog she adored, friends who enjoyed her company, and was in a position to enjoy life.
But she disappeared not long before a hearing in which she would be required to testify as a witness in an assault case of someone with a very long rap sheet of assaulting others and intimidating witnesses.
What happened to Cassandra Gross and what type of person would want to hurt her?
Follow this story by checking out the two gofundme pages linked below.
If you may be in an abusive relationship, please seek resources by calling 1-800-199-7233 or visit https://www.thehotline.org/
If you have any information about this case, please call 724-539-9553 or contact the Pennsylvania State Police at 724-832-3288. If you are in Pennsylvania, call 911.
If you enjoy the show, please rate, review, like, subscribe, or share.
Apple Podcasts in the itunes store:
Radio Public: https://play.radiopublic.com/case-acquaint-podcast-WDprK7
Follow us on
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/caseacquaint?alert=2
Music: Modum & Curtains Always Drawn by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli & Scope

Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Introducing Minisodes! #1 MISSING Kiera Bergman
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Mini - Sode #1
Kiera Bergman
In the early afternoon of August 4th, 2018, Kiera Bergman disappeared.
Kiera's family doesn't know what to believe of the twisted stories by those close to Kiera in Glendale, AZ, where she had only been living for several months.
Kiera Bergman is 19 years old,
Kiera is biracial, she is 5’3” tall, she weighs about 145 lbs, she had black hair and brown eyes, and in most of her pictures, she is wearing glasses. We don’t know if she had them on when she went missing.
If you know anything about Kiera’s disappearance, please call the Phoenix Police Department's Missing Persons Unit at 602-534-2121.
About Mini-Sodes: We will be uploading short, urgent case profiles to youtube for listeners and advocates to share. Audio and video formats can be extremely helpful as a media resource when word needs to travel fast, especially for cases that are not getting main stream media attention.
We hope that you find these mini-sodes easy to share and that you help engage more attention to these cases by doing so on your social media. In the future, they will be posted only on youtube.
If you come across a case that needs urgent attention, don't forget that we have a case suggestion form on our website, caseacquaint.com
Apple Podcasts in the itunes store:
Radio Public: https://play.radiopublic.com/case-acquaint-podcast-WDprK7
Follow us on
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/caseacquaint?alert=2
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli

Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Episode 35 MURDERED Damien Skipper and Arthur Noflin Jr.
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Thursday Aug 23, 2018
Episode 35
Damien Skipper
Arthur Noflin Jr.
Plus updates on the Ramsey Street Rapist of Fayetteville, profiled in Ep 3 of the I-95 series, and a reminder about Ashley Meiss from Ep 25.
Listen to this harrowing tale of deceit and loss from Baton Rouge, LA.
Bring Ash Home page: https://www.facebook.com/BRINGASHHOME/
Veterans section of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Fayetteville Police Department and Ramsey Street Rapist https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/08/23/the-ramsey-street-rapist-eluded-cops-for-12-years-genealogy-helped-make-an-arrest/?utm_term=.ba6e52e0889b
Damien Skipper and Arthur Noflin Jr: https://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/courts/article_a9752ece-7afc-11e8-85d1-bbfdf6ad7e79.html
Apple Podcasts in the itunes store:
Radio Public: https://play.radiopublic.com/case-acquaint-podcast-WDprK7
Follow us on
IG: https://www.instagram.com/caseacquaint/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseAcquaint
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/caseacquaint?alert=2
Music: Modum & Curtains Always Drawn by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli & Scope

Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Episode 34 DISAPPEARED Michele Hundley Smith and Anglea Whalen Hudson
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Thursday Aug 16, 2018
Episode 34
Michele Lyn Hundley Smith
Angela Whalen Hudson
Late 2001 ended in turmoil, sadness, and confusion for two families in the Rockingham County, NC area.
That year saw the separate disappearances of their loved ones, both mothers and both still desperately missed to this day.
Their disappearances were never investigated with any sort of effort on the part of the only agency responsible for doing so.
What happened to Michele Lynn Hundley Smith and Angela Whalen Hudson?
Why didn’t the authorities ever try to find out what happened to them?
Is this the best the good people of Rockingham County can expect from their public servants at the Sheriff’s Office?
If you are interested in following these cases and supporting the efforts to find these ladies, visit their advocacy pages and NAMUS.
Link to Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office missing persons page which contains corrupted links as of 8/16/18.
Hopefully they at least get that fixed. Click on them at your own risk.
Apple Podcasts in the itunes store:
Radio Public: https://play.radiopublic.com/case-acquaint-podcast-WDprK7
Follow us on
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseAcquaint
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/caseacquaint?alert=2
Music: Modum & Curtains Always Drawn by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli & Scope

Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Episode 33 The Search for the Kansas College Rapist
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Episode 33
The Search
for the
Kansas College Rapist
One person is responsible for at least 15 attacks which resulted in over a dozen brutal rapes since 2000 in two Kansas college towns.
After almost ten years, police decided the rapist must have "moved on" or gotten sick but they were wrong. The assailant turned up again in 2015, just as desperate to attack but now he knows the police have his DNA, so what's a rapist to do in this day and age with tools like the MVAC and high definition real-time surveillance cameras?
Apparently, for the time being, his pattern is changing. Is he cognizant of the high probability that it's only a matter of time before police come knocking, just as they did for other violent pervs who never thought they'd get caught?
Police are not relying on forensics.
They have created a website to appeal to the community, on which they have placed an entire timeline of the events and even an offender profile.
We hope they don't stop there.
If you have information to share with authorities about this fool, please visit their website http://www.kansascollegerapist.com/ or call Manhattan Riley County Crime Stoppers at 785-539-7777 or toll free at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
If you have been a victim of sexual violence in any way, and need support, contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800 656-4673.
Did you know that Kansas and many other states have a backlog of untested rape kits? Sure you did! If you want to learn how you can help end the backlog, visit http://www.endthebacklog.org/
Remember during the episode Christi promised to provide a link for you to check to see if YOUR state has ended the statute of limitations on sex crimes? Well, here it is. Let us know what progress your state has made! https://www.rainn.org/state-state-guide-statutes-limitations
Other relevant links [CAUTION - Some articles may contain conflicting information]:
Apple Podcasts in the itunes store:
Radio Public: https://play.radiopublic.com/case-acquaint-podcast-WDprK7
Follow us on
IG: https://www.instagram.com/caseacquaint/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseAcquaint
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Support the podcast
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/caseacquaint?alert=2
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli
Link to more music by Kai Engel

Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Episode 32 The Disappearance of Keith Davis
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Episode 32
The Disappearance
Fisheries Observer
Keith Davis
Keith Davis was an observer, a biologist who took on the duty of observing fisheries around the world to report on compliance, safety, and more. It is a dangerous job, not only because work at sea is inherently treacherous, but also because observers are often considered a threat to the livelihood of many crew and captains.
Despite his professional demeanor and long history of working well with crews on these vessels, something went terribly wrong on a voyage off the coast of Peru in 2015. Keith Davis disappeared. No formal investigation has ever produced answers, so an effort is being made to undertake a private investigation, with possible political implications.
The international fisheries business is behind major environmental threats but still, illegal fishing continues unchecked, endangering not only our ecosystem, but the socioeconomic stability of entire continents, not to mention the daily safety concerns to workers involved in this industry.
If you are interested in this subject, please continue reading by clicking on or following the links below, donating to the investigation campaign, and also, reading the book Keith helped to create before he disappeared so horrifically.
Support Keith's dad and loved ones in searching for justice by donating to their campaign to raise money for their worldwide investigation. We can only imagine how costly that must be:
Read the book Keith helped to edit, and to which he contributed:
More reading:
Juan Vilata
Apple Podcasts in the itunes store:
Radio Public: https://play.radiopublic.com/case-acquaint-podcast-WDprK7
Follow us on
IG: https://www.instagram.com/caseacquaint/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseAcquaint
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/caseacquaint?alert=2
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli

Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Wednesday Jul 18, 2018
Episode 31
The MURDER of Grace Hayden
The CAPTURE of Kevin Ford
and the
Robeson County Connection
This is the story of the brutal rape and murder of an elderly woman in California, and the capture of her accused killer in the notorious Robeson County, NC.
This killer escaped justice for over 30 years, but his terrible social skills got him a quick trip to the Sherrif's Office where his downfall began.
Could Kevin Thomas Ford be responsible for any of the unsolved murders currently sitting in cold storage in Lumberton and the greater Robeson County region? Can we rely on the authorities to find out?
More reading:
Apple Podcasts in the itunes store:
Radio Public: https://play.radiopublic.com/case-acquaint-podcast-WDprK7
Follow us on
IG: https://www.instagram.com/caseacquaint/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseAcquaint
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Support the podcast
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/caseacquaint?alert=2
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli
and: Curtains are Always Drawn by: Kai Engel Album: The Scope

Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Episode 29 The Many Faces of Child Predator Joel Davis
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Thursday Jul 05, 2018
Episode 29
The Many Faces
Child Predator
Joel Davis
This episode contains graphic descriptions of child sexual abuse which may be disturbing for some listeners.
Please use discretion in deciding whether or not to listen.
In late June of 2018, a 22 year old man was arrested and charged with federal crimes involving the sexual abuse of children and child pornography. He was just like any other perve looking for an opportunity to rape children, only this man isn't your average sex offender. He's a human rights activist who fooled people all over the world into believing he actually cared about saving children from sexual abuse. The ultimate hypocrite. That's not all.
Joel Davis has spent years playing different roles, and these personalities emerged in full fledge depending on the expected results. Joel Davis the victim. Joel Davis the college drop-out. Joel Davis the ivy league human rights hero. Joel Davis the star. Joel Davis the producer and purveyor of child porn. Joel Davis the rapist of babies, children, and young teens.
And now, Joel Davis the soon-to-be prison inmate.
Find all links we have promised at caseacquaint.com or scroll to the bottom
Apple Podcasts in the itunes store:
Radio Public: https://play.radiopublic.com/case-acquaint-podcast-WDprK7
Follow us on
IG: https://www.instagram.com/caseacquaint/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseAcquaint
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Support the podcast
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/caseacquaint?alert=2
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli
Link to more music by Kai Engel
Davis's social media :
Davis's "human rights" role:
Davis the ivy league writer/whiner:
Thanks to Elizabeth Vos and Disobedient Media:
Charges and US Government Press Release:
Other reading material:

Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Ep 28 MURDERED Cheryl Baker, Nadja Medley, & Payton Medley
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Sunday Jun 24, 2018
Episode 28
The Murders
Cheryl Baker, Nadja Medley, and Payton Medley
Mike Bullinger is wanted for the murders of Cheryl Baker, Nadja Medley, and Nadja's young daughter, Payton Medley in early June of 2017, He had a two week long head start before the authorities began searching for him.
Bullinger is 61 years old, and when he went on the run, he had gray hair, brown eyes, was six ft one, and about 240 lbs. He likes motorcycles, planes, hunting, guns, horses, and the outdoors. He also likes to lie and cheat. He is a master manipulator, and somewhat of a chameleon, so check out his picture and keep an eye out for him.
There are rewards being offered, and we will place links, images, and other items in our blog entry at our website, caseacquaint.com.
Please share this story so we can keep it in the public consciousness, and hopefully someone will see him skulking around some small mountain town or camping in a remote area. If you see him, contact the Canyon County Sheriff’s Office at 208-454-7531
Find everything you need at caseacquaint.com
Apple Podcasts in the itunes store:
Radio Public: https://play.radiopublic.com/case-acquaint-podcast-WDprK7
Follow us on
IG: https://www.instagram.com/caseacquaint/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaseAcquaint
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Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/caseacquaint?alert=2
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli