Case Acquaint is a podcast which features open and unresolved cases related to violent crime and missing persons. Here, we distribute information in an effort to encourage public engagement. We tell the victim’s story, the events that precipitated the unresolved case, and the current known facts.

Monday Mar 26, 2018
Episode 17 The Murders Emily Quijano and Gabriel Almiron
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Episode 17
The murders of Emily Quijano
Gabriel Almiron
September 8th, 2015 was a normal day in Orem, Utah except for one thing. That was last anyone ever saw or heard from Emily Quijano or her young son, Gabriel Almiron. Emily's boyfriend, Christopher Poulson told police and anyone else who would listen that he had to kick Emily out because he couldn't tolerate her use of drugs in their shared apartment.
That might have been the end of this missing persons story if it had only been Emily who was missing, but cops had a three year old child to find. That all but assured a criminal investigation and the involvement of the FBI.
This case has not yet been completed. Let us know what you think! Have authorities found their killer? Where are the bodies of Emily and Gabriel?
Thank you for listening to this episode of Case Acquaint. Visit our website, caseacquaint.com for more information about this case and all of the other cases we are following. We may be found on most major platforms and youtube. Follow us on twitter, IG, or Facebook. Consider supporting Case Acquaint through Patreon for as little as $1 per month at patreon.com/caseacquaint.
From the updates and announcements at the beginning of this episode:
Gofundme page to support Harold and Alberta Leach in finding out what happened to their missing son, Randy: https://www.gofundme.com/in-search-of-randy-leach
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli
Link to more music by Kai Engel

Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Episode 16 The MURDER of Maria Ridulph
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Thank you for your patience as we work through our technical issues with our host service.
We are hoping the issue is fixed!
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Maria Ridulph
December 3rd, 1957
This is the story of the abduction and murder of little Maria Ridulph from her neighborhood street in Sycamore, Illinois.
Who took Maria?
Many people have been suspected, one person was convicted, declared innocent, and is currently in the process of collecting money from anyone associated with the conviction.
Throughout it all, Maria's family bore the constant turmoil of forces beyond their control. It's been over 60 years since Maria was taken and killed. Will anyone ever be brought to justice?
How would YOU cope if you were the victim of sexual abuse as a child or if your family member was taken killed and thrown away like garbage?
What would you need to do in order to go on?
Find out how these folks have found their own ways to survive and live, despite the horrendous tragedies they endured.
Who do you think killed Maria?
Let us know.
Hit us on FB, IG, Twitter, YT, or our website. caseacquaint.com.
Also go there for working links to information and resources associated with the subjects in this episode.
Music for this episode was created by the talented
Kai Engel
Music: Modum Album: Caeli
Music: Rainfall Serenade Album: Evening Colors
Link to more music by Kai Engel

Monday Mar 12, 2018
Episode 15 Ron Novak
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Episode 15
The Murder of Ron Novak
Who is responsible for the brutal murder of Ron?
What lengths will local law enforcement go to, in order to avoid closing this case, and why?
Do you have any information on Ron's case?
Listen and share this episode on your favorite social media site or visit the advocacy page to find out more about how you can help solve this mystery.
Ron Novak Unsolved Homicide 1983 Facebook page
Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform or even youtube.
Communicate with us via facebook or our website, caseacquaint.com
Links associated with the cases and subjects mentioned in this episode:
Who Killed Ronnie Novak? Marlene Florang Chramosta
Parabon Phenotyping
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli
Link to more music by Kai Engel

Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Episode 14 Rachel Galbreath
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Episode 14
The Murder of Rachel Galbreath
Who Murdered Rachel Galbreath?
When will Rachel's family see justice? Can you help?
Listen and share this episode on your favorite social media site or visit their page to find our more about how you can help solve this mystery.
Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform or even youtube.
Communicate with us via facebook or our website, caseacquaint.com
Links associated with the cases and subjects mentioned in this episode:
Music: When the Lights Came On by: Kai Engel Album: Calls and Echos

Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Episode 13 Allison Jackson Foy and the MVAC
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Episode 13
Allison Jackson Foy
Angela Rothen
This episode contains more information on a case we mentioned in one of our I-95 episodes.
Subscribe to our podcast on your favorite platform or youtube.
Communicate with us via facebook or our website, caseacquaint.com
Links associated with the cases and subjects mentioned in this episode:
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli

Monday Feb 19, 2018
Ep 12 Dylan Redwine, Find Me Group, UD on Natalie White and Kimberlee Graves
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Monday Feb 19, 2018
Episode 12
Dylan Redwine
Find Me Group
UDs on
Natalie White
Kimberlee Graves
This episode contains brief updates on Natalie White and Kimberlee Graves before we move on to the main subject, Dylan Redwine and the efforts made to find him.
Dylan Redwine and his father, Mark Redwine, had a strained relationship. What could possibly drive a man to allegedly murder his own son? Is any length too extreme when searching for a missing child? What about a missing adult?
Special thanks to Kelly Snyder, founder of the Find Me Group. Check them out at findmegroup.org and their partners in the search for Dylan, Arizona Search Track and Rescue at azstar.org
We will be posting a BONUS episode soon with more from Kelly with Find Me Group. In it, he describes new artificial intelligence technology currently in development which will add even more resources for law enforcement and families of the missing and murdered, and he also provides some advice from the perspective of not only a former federal law enforcement agent, but also from that of someone who has spent the last almost two decades concentrating on finding the missing and supporting the desired end result: justice.
Visit caseacquaint.com for more information and links to sites mentioned in this episode!
We are working on uploading all episodes to youtube for your convenience, and we are now on most major podcast platforms. Look for us on your favorite!
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli

Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Episode 11 Maria Ann Hsiao
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Sunday Feb 11, 2018
Episode 11
Maria Ann Hsiao
This episode contains brief updates on upcoming shows, the Randy Leach case, and Chase Lackey before we move on to the main subject, Maria Ann Hsiao.
Who killed Maria? Someone knows something. Can you help police solve this troubling mystery? Let us know what you think!
Special thanks to the Palo Alto Police Department.
Visit caseacquaint.com for more information and links to sites mentioned in this episode!
We are working on uploading all episodes to youtube for your convenience, and we are now on most major podcast platforms. Look for us on your favorite!
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli
Link to more music by Kai Engel

Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Episode 10 MISSING Randy Wayne Leach
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Sunday Feb 04, 2018
Episode 10
Randy Wayne Leach
Update 1/28/21: May you rest in peace Harold Leach.
Today we present the story of the Leach couple, and their struggle to find out what happened to their only child, Randy. The thirtieth anniversary of Randy's disappearance is drawing closer, but there appears to be no end to the pain the Leaches endure.
Randy Leach has not been seen since the early morning of April 16th, 1988 from a small Kansas town of about 300 people.
Do you know what happened to Randy? Listen to the events that led up to his disappearance and then head on over to our website to explore theories and find more information on Randy's case or go directly to the family-approved facebook page linked below.
We are now on itunes and Stitcher
or find us on your favorite platform.
Visit our website, caseacquaint.com for more information about this case
Mozilla users visit caseacquaint.com to click on all links. or copy and paste from below.
Discuss or get more info when it comes available about this and all of our cases.
Facebook page for Randy https://www.facebook.com/In-Search-of-Randy-Leach-1692062907762863/
Map with some locations of interest http://www2.ljworld.com/users/photos/2008/apr/16/145562/
Article containing satellite images of locations http://www.missingpersonsofamerica.com/2016/09/16/could-the-body-of-missing-randy-leach-be-in-water-can-you-help-search/
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli

Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Episode 9 MISSING Robin Abrams
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Tuesday Jan 30, 2018
Robin Abrams disappeared just days before the first court date in a lawsuit that was about to rock an entire community. What happened to Robin Abrams and why won't the former law enforcement officers who are suspected of her disappearance and murder cooperate with investigators? Are they above the law?
Robin Abrams
last seen
Visit caseacquaint.com for more info and resources if you are interested in researching this case or in helping to get justice for Robin.
We are now on itunes and Stitcher!
Or find us on your favorite platform.
Mozilla users visit caseacquaint.com to click on all links. or copy and paste from below.
Discuss or get more info when it comes available about this and all of our cases.
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli

Saturday Jan 13, 2018
Saturday Jan 13, 2018
Welcome to the fourth episode of our series on the I-95 corridor in North Carolina.
Someone spent years preying on the vulnerable women of East Rocky Mount, NC. After several women were found murdered, and one still missing, authorities finally prosecuted a suspect for one of the murders, that of Tara Nicholson.
The rest of the cases are still open and up to $20,000 in reward money continues to be offered for information leading to the ultimate conviction of the killer of the women of Edgecombe County, many of which were dumped off Seven Bridges Road.
Police are still looking for the killer/s of
Jarniece Hargrove
Roberta Williams
Travis Harrison
Denise Williams
Yolanda Lancaster
Melody Wiggins
Jackie Thorpe
Ernestine Battle
Elizabeth Smallwood
Christine Boone
Also, there are more missing people throughout the region, and we profile a few of those missing people.
Have you seen Joyce Renee Durham?
She has been missing since 2007 from East Rocky Mount. If you have any information regarding her disappearance, please contact the Twin Counties Crimestoppers at 252-977-1111.
Have you seen Jalesa Chantell Reynolds?
She was last seen 2/22/10 in Scotland Neck, NC.
Have you seen Shonda Stansbury?
She was last seen 12/7/06 in Halifax County NC.
Have you seen Amy Wells Bridgemen?
She has been missing since 6/24/13 from Weldon, NC.
Discuss or get more info about these cases.
Music: Modum by: Kai Engel Album: Caeli